The DVB-S2-LDPC-BCH block is a powerful FEC (Forward Error Correction) subsystem for Digital Video Broadcasting via Satellite. In Digital video broadcasting for digital transmission for satellite applications, a powerful FEC sub-system is needed. FEC is based on inner LDPC (Low-Density Parity Check) codes concatenated with outer BCH (Bose ChaudhuriHocquenghem) codes, allowing Quasi Error Free operation close to the Shannon limit.

Irregular parity check matrix
Layered Decoding
Minimum sum algorithm
Soft decision decoding
BCH decoder works on GF (2m) where m=16 or 14 and corrects up to t errors, where t = 8, 10 or 12
ETSI EN 302 307-1 V1.4.1 (2014-11) compliant
Long and short frame lengths
No error floor to QEF in Standard
Easy to integrate within receiver all code rates and modulation orders
High performance
High data rate
Synthesizable Verilog
System Model (Matlab)
Verilog Test Benches Documentation