Ethernet Switch core is a full-featured, easy-to-use, synthesizable design that supports various Ethernet IEEE standards. Through its Ethernet compatibility, it provides a simple interface to a wide range of lowcost devices. Ethernet Switch IP is proven in FPGA environment. It can also support a variety of host bus interfaces for easy adoption into any design architecture - AHB, AHB-Lite, APB, AXI, AXI-Lite, Tilelink, OCP, VCI, Avalon, PLB, Wishbone or custom buses.

Compliant with IEEE Standard 802.3-2018 Specification
Supports Full-duplex and Half-duplex 10M/100M/1G Ethernet interfaces
Supports 10G/25G/50G/40G and 100G Ethernet interfaces
Supports MII/GMII/RGMII/QSGMII/USXGMII Physical Layer device (PHY) interfaces
Supports different data rate for each port
Supports Dynamic MAC Table with automatic MAC addresses learning and aging
Supports Static MAC Table
Supports Jumbo Frame Management
Supports Ethertype Based Switching
Supports Ingress Port Mirroring
Supports Broadcast/Multicast Storm protection
Supports Per-Port Rate limiting (Broadcast, Multicast and Unicast traffic)
Supports timing synchronization as per IEEE Standard 1588-2008(PTP)
Supports Multicast Frame Filtering
Supports Switching Portmask
Supports Port-based VLAN
Supports QoS - Priorities (PCP-802.1p,DSCP TOS, Ethertype)
Supports DSA (Distributed Switching Architecture) tagging
Supports MDIO, AXI4-Lite or CoE(Configuration-over- Ethernet) SOC interfaces
Supports RSTP (Software stack required)
Supports MRP (Software stack not required) • Ring Manager (MRM) • Ring Client (MRC)
Supports DLR (Software stack not required) • Beacon Based Node • Supervisor Node
In house UNH compliance tested
Fully synthesizable
Static synchronous design
Positive edge clocking and no internal tri-states
Scan test ready
Simple interface allows easy connection to Microprocessor/Microcontroller devices.
Verilog RTL design
Seamlessly integrating waivers into validation scripts to ensure comprehensive coverage of Linting, CDC analysis, and Synthesis
Provision of detailed and comprehensive reports providing profound insights into Linting, CDC analysis, and Synthesis methodologies
Efficiently utilizing IP-XACT RDL for generating address maps
Consolidation of firmware code and Linux drivers into a cohesive and unified package
Supplying extensive technical documentation covering all aspects comprehensively
Development of a Verilog Test Environment with intuitive integration of test cases for comprehensive testing