DMA Controller with AXI interface is full featured, easy-to-use, synthesizable design that can be used with AXI based systems as a controller to transfer data directly from system memory to IP core or from IP core to system memory. Through its compatibility, it provides a simple interface to any IP core with the appropriate logic in between.

1-16 channel DMA Transmit and DMA Receive Engine
Supports latest ARM AMBA 3/4 AXI, AXI4-Lite, AMBA4 ACE, AMBA4 ACE-Lite, AXI4-Stream specification.
Supports access for Ring and Chained Descriptor Structures
Configurable Transmit and Receive Engine based on Host Memory Data Width
Configurable support by DMA Transmit and Receive Engine for both of the endianness of the host memory (Little / Big Endian)
Supports configurable DMA Transmit and DMA Receive FIFO based on Host Memory Data width
Supports hardware DMA Control registers that can be written and read by CPU
Round Robin algorithm for arbitration between DMA Transmit and Receive Engine to access SOC Master Bus
SOC Master bus can be AXI/AHB/APB/OCP/Tilelink/Wishbone
Supports AXI Slave bus
Uses SOC Slave Interface to get Receive and Transmit descriptors and transfer the data to/from the system memory from/to FIFO inside the DMA controller
User logic to map data fetched from Host to IP core or from IP core to host
Supports Sideband DMA request and Grant based triggering of transfers as on option for peripherals
Supports Scatter Gathers list
Supports 8/16/32 bit wide data transfers
Supports QoS per channel if SOC master interface supports Qos.
Supports programmable burst capability per SOC master
Supports both single data and burst data transfers, with burst size based on the burst length field in the DMA control registers
DMA supports full duplex operation, processing read and write transfers at the same time
Supports Link list-based processor for autonomous operation
Interface widths can be controller for each SOC master interface
Supports per Channel Interrupt output
Supports up to 64 MB transfer per Buffer Descriptor (BD
The DMA Controller with AXI interface is available in Source and netlist products.
The Source product is delivered in plain text Verilog. If needed VHDL, SystemC code can also be provided.
Easy to use Verilog Test Environment with Verilog Testcases Lint, CDC, Synthesis, Simulation Scripts with waiver files
IP-XACT RDL generated address map
Firmware code and Linux driver package
Documentation contains User's Guide and Release notes