The MIPI Camera Serial Interface 2 (CSI-2) is an interface between a Camera and a host processor baseband application engine. This interface is defined by MIPI Alliance, which defines a series of modules in a MIPI compliant product. This MIPI CSI-2 Receiver is used in mobile and high–speed serial applications as a controller for receiving camera video and transmitting camera commands from/to MIPI CSI-2 Transmitter over MIPI lines. The camera data is encoded and then transmitted. The MIPI CSI-2 Transmitter along with our MIPI CSI-2 Receiver and MIPI DPHY provides a complete solution for decoding MIPI CSI-2 data.
Compliant with MIPI CSI Standard v2.x and MIPI D-PHY Standard v1.x, MIPI D-PHY Standard V2.x and MIPI C-PHY V1.x
Programmable 1, 2, or 4 Data Lane Configuration.
Configurable up to 4 Virtual Channels
Operate in continuous and non-continuous clock modes.
Color Modes: 16, 18, 24 and 36 bpp
Color Formats: YUV420 8, 10bits and without CSPS and Legacy, YUV422 8, 10bits, RGB-888, 565, 666, 555 and 444. RAW6, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 14.
Register configuration through CCI interface/APB interface
Silicon-proven in multiple technology nodes
Fully integrated and operational with PHYs from multiple PHY vendors.
Configurable RTL Code
HDL-based test bench and behavioral models
Test cases
Protocol checkers, bus watchers, and performance monitors
Configurable synthesis shell
Design guide
Verification guide
Synthesis guide
Data lane count
Color modes
Pixel interface width
Application interface –Pixel or AXI
Command FIFO depth
Highly modular and configurable design
Layered architecture
Active low async reset
Clearly demarcated clock domains
Extensive clock gating support