The NFC Controller IP Core is full-featured, easy-touse, synthesizable design that is easily integrated into any SOC or FPGA development. The NFC Controller IP can be implemented in any technology. The NFC Controller IP core supports the ISO provides the following features ISO/IEC 18092, ISO/IEC 14443, ISO/IEC 15693 and ECMA 340 Specifications. It can also support a variety of host bus interfaces for easy adoption into any design architecture - AHB, AHB-Lite, APB, AXI, AXI-Lite, Tilelink, OCP, VCI, Avalon, PLB, Wishbone or custom buses. The NFC Controller IP is delivered in Verilog RTL that can be implemented in an ASIC or FPGA. The NFC Controller IP is validated in using FPGA. The core includes RTL code, test scripts and a test environment for complete simulation.

Implemented in Unencrypted Verilog, VHDL and SystemC
Compliant with NFC Specification ISO/IEC 18092, ISO/IEC 14443, ISO/IEC 15693 and ECMA 340 standards.
Complete NFC Controller PCD/PICC functionality.
Support Half Duplex of operations.
Supports all the four data rates.
106 kbps
212 kbps
424 kbps
848 kbps
Supports two different kinds of communication modes.
Active communication mode
Passive communication mode
Support both Type A and Type B.
Supports the Multi Activation feature, which allows the Initiator to hold several Targets active simultaneously.
Supports the chaining feature, which allows the Initiator or Target to transmit information that does not fit in a single block, by dividing the information into several blocks.
Supports Configurable timing functions.
Guard time
Frame delay time
Frame Waiting time
Waiting Time extension
Supports the following types of error detection.
Sync error
DID error
Length error
Acknowledgement error
Invalid command error
CRC error
Parity error
Re-transmission of corrupted messages.
Supports to change the parameters (Transfer speed and Frame length) of PCD and PICC after the activation.
Fully synthesizable
Static synchronous design
Positive edge clocking and no internal tri-states
Scan test ready
Simple interface allows easy connection to
Microprocessor/Microcontroller devices
RTL design in Verilog
Lint, CDC, Synthesis Scripts with waiver files
Lint, CDC, Synthesis Reports
IP-XACT RDL generated address map
Firmware code and Linux driver package
Technical documentation in greater detail
Easy to use Verilog Test Environment with verilog testcases