Production Proven, Complex Semiconductor IP Cores

Semiconductor IP Cores

T2M Broadcast/Codec FEC RS (198,194) Decoder IP

FEC RS (198,194) Decoder IP

Description and Features

FEC RS (198,194) Decoder core is compliant with standard VESA DisplayPort version 2.0. Through its compatibility, it provides a simple interface to a wide range of low-cost devices. FEC RS (198,194) Decoder IIP is proven in FPGA environment. The host interface of the FEC RS (198,194) Decoder can be simple interface or can be AHB, AHB-Lite, APB, AXI, AXI-Lite, Tilelink, OCP, VCI, Avalon, PLB, Wishbone or custom buses.



  • VESA Display Port version 2.0 compliant.
  • Supports full FEC decoder functionality.
  • Supports Reed Solomon (198,194) FEC, 8-bit symbols.
  • Supports two-way interleaving for lane 1, lane 2 and lane 4 modes.
  • Supports enable of FEC decoders based on lane mode.
  • Supports RS decoder to correct errors up to two RS parity symbols.


  • Single site license option is provided to companies designing in a single site.
  • Multi sites license option is provided to companies designing in multiple sites.
  • Single Design license allows implementation of the IP Core in a single FPGA bitstream and ASIC.
  • Unlimited Designs, license allows implementation of the IP Core in unlimited number of FPGA bitstreams and ASIC designs.


  • The FEC RS (198,194) Decoder interface is available in Source and netlist products.
  • The Source product is delivered in plain text Verilog. If needed VHDL, SystemC code can also be provided.
  • Easy to use Verilog Test Environment with Verilog Testcases
  • Lint, CDC, Synthesis, Simulation Scripts with waiver files
  • IP-XACT RDL generated address map
  • Firmware code and Linux driver package
  • Documentation contains User's Guide and Release notes.