The MIPI RFFE Slave Controller IP Core is a full-featured, easy-to-use, synthesizable design that is easily integrated into any SoC or FPGA development. The RFFE Slave controller IP can be implemented in any technology. The Slave controller IP core supports the MIPI RFFE 3.0 standard. It can also support a variety of host bus interfaces for easy adoption into any design architecture – AXI, AHB, APB, OCP, VCI, Avalon, PLB, Wishbone or custom buses. The Slave IP is delivered in Verilog RTL that can be implemented in an ASIC or FPGA. The Slave IP is validated in using FPGA. The core includes RTL code, test scripts and a test environment for complete simulation.

Compliant with version 3.0 MIPI RFFE Specifications.
Full MIPI RFFE Slave Functionality.
Supports following frames
Command Frame
Data/Address Frame
No Response Frame
Supports extended register read/writes
Supports interrupt summary and identification command sequence
Support Trigger and Extended trigger modes
Support Masked write command sequence
Support Synchronous read
Support Normal and Secondary operation mode
Support USID Programming Procedure 1,2 and 3
Supports Group Slave ID
Supports Broadcast Writes to PWR_MODE, TRIG_REG, EXT_TRIG_REG and other registers
Supports device enumeration
Supports Half-Speed Data Response (HSDR) Accesses
Supports Full Command Sequence at Half-Speed SCLK
Supports Delayed Read-back
Supports Reserved Register Allocations in Basic Address Space (0x1C – 0x1F)
Supports Reserved Register Allocations in Extended Address Space (0x20 – 0x3F)
Supports Write Slave State via PWR_MODE bits
Supports Read Slave State via PWR_MODE bits
Supports Read PRODUCT_ID, MANUFACTURER_ID and USID from reserved registers.
Undefined command frame
Fully synthesizable
Positive edge clocking and no internal tri-states
Scan test ready
Optionally this core can be built to have SPI or I2C interface for application where slave can have multiple interfaces like RFFE or SPI or I2C Interface
RTL design in Verilog
Lint, CDC, Synthesis Scripts with waiver files
Lint, CDC, Synthesis Reports
IP-XACT RDL generated address map
Firmware code and Linux driver package
Technical documentation in greater detail
Easy to use Verilog Test Environment with Verilog Testcases
Fully compliant, silicon-proven core
Comes with Verilog testbench and option to buy full advanced System Verilog Testbench
Support directly from engineer who designed the code.
Based on RMM (ReUse Methodology Manual guidelines)
Supports all the Synthesis tools