The SPI IP is a ground-breaking octal SPI that was created to provide the quickest operations for any serial SPI memory. It is adaptable enough to connect directly to several common product peripherals from different manufacturers. Additionally, the IP Core supports any 8, 16, and 32 bit CPU on the market. The SPI IP is a fully adjustable SPI master/slave device that lets you set the polarity and phase of the serial clock signal SCK. It makes it possible for the microcontroller to speak with serial peripherals and fast serial SPI storage. Additionally, it has the ability to communicate across processors in a multimaster system. The shifting and sampling of data on four serial data lines are synchronized by a serial clock line (SCK). Data is concurrently delivered and received in the Single SPI mode.

Operates with 8, 16 and 32 bit CPUs
Full duplex synchronous serial data transfer
DMA support
Support for 32, 16 and 8 bit systems
Support for various system Bus Standards
Single, Dual, Quad and Octal SPI transfer
DDR support (Double Data Rate)
Multi master system supported
Optional FIFO size extension (128, 256, 512B)
Up to 7 SPI slaves can be addressed (more Slave Select Outputs can be added upon request)
Software Slave Select Output – SSO selection
Automatic Slave Select outputs assertion during each byte transfer
System error detection
Interrupt generation
Various Bit rates supported
Bit rate in fast SPI Mode ½ CLK
Four transfer formats
Simple SPU and DMA interface
Fully synthesizable, static synchronous de-sign with no internal tristates
Source code:
VHDL Source Code or/and
VERILOG Source Code or/and
Encrypted, or plain text EDIF
VHDL & VERILOG test bench environment
Active-HDL automatic simulation macros
Model Sim automatic simulation macros
Tests with reference responses
Technical documentation
Installation notes
HDL core specification
Synthesis scripts
Example application
Technical support
IP Core implementation support
3 months maintenance
Delivery of the IP Core and documentation updates, minor and
major versions changes
Phone & email support
Embedded microprocessor boards
Consumer and professional audio/video
Home and automotive radio
Low-power applications
Communication systems
Digital multimeter