NFC (Near Field Communication) Verification IP offers an innovative way to validate NFC, which is a straightforward wireless connection between closely connected devices. Different data speeds might be used for NFC Verification IP data transmission. The NFC Verification IP offers the following capabilities and is completely compliance with the standards ISO/IEC-18092, ISO/IEC-14443, ISO/IEC-15693, ECMA-340, and NFC FORUM Specifications. SystemVerilog, VMM, RVM, AVM, OVM, UVM, Verilog, SystemC, VERA, Specman E, and non-standard verification environments all natively enable NFC Verification IP. The Smart Visual Protocol Debugger (Smart ViPDebug), a GUI-based debugger that speeds up debugging, is an optional component of the NFC Verification IP.

Compliant with NFC Specification ISO/IEC 18092, ISO/IEC 14443, ISO/IEC 15693, NFC Forum and ECMA 340 standards.
Complete NFC PCD/PICC functionality.
Support Half Duplex of operations.
Supports all the four data rates. • 106 kbps • 212 kbps • 424 kbps • 848 kbps
Supports two different kinds of communication modes. • Active communication mode • Passive communication mode
Support both Type A and Type B.
Support NFC forum Tag 1 to Tag 5.
Supports the following Command Set • Basic Command Set • Select Data Commands • Read Data Commands • Write Data Commands
Supports the Multi Activation feature, which allows the Initiator to hold several Targets active simultaneously.
Supports the chaining feature, which allows the Initiator or Target to transmit information that does not fit in a single block, by dividing the information into several blocks.
Supports configurable timing functions. • Guard time • Frame delay time • Frame waiting time • Waiting Time extension
Supports the following types of error insertion and detection. • Sync error • DID error • Length error • Acknowledgement error • Invalid command error • CRC error • Parity error
Re-transmission of corrupted messages.
Supports to change the parameters (Transfer speed and Frame length) of PCD and PICC after the activation.
Supports Frame with error correction.
Glitch insertion and detection.
Supports constraints Randomization
Complete regression suite containing all the ISO/IEC18092/14443/15693/ECMA340/NFC FORUM testcases.
Examples showing how to connect various components, and usage of Initiator, Target and Monitor.
Detailed documentation of all classes, task and functions used in verification env.
Documentation contains User's Guide and Release notes