Functionally equivalent to the OX16C950, the D16950 is a soft core for a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART). UART and FIFO are the two serial communication modes that are supported. In the FIFO mode, internal FIFOs are turned on, allowing 128 bytes to be stored in both receive and transmit modes (plus 3 bits of error data per byte in the RCVR FIFO). Our effective Core converts data characters received from a peripheral device or MODEM to parallel form before converting data characters from the CPU to serial form. Throughout the functional operation, the CPU has access to the UART's whole state at all times. The kind and state of transfer operations being carried out by the UART, together with any other status information, are given.

Software compatible with 16450, 16550,16650,16750 and 16950 UARTs
Configuration capability
Separate configurable BAUD clock line
Majority Voting Logic
Two modes of operation: UART mode and FIFO mode
In the FIFO mode transmitter and receiver are each buffered with 128 byte FIFO to reduce the number of interrupts presented to the CPU
In UART mode receiver and transmitter are double buffered to eliminate a need for precise synchronization between the CPU and serial data
Configurable FIFO size up to 512 levels
Adds or deletes standard asynchronous communication bits (start, stop and parity) to or from the serial data
Independently controlled transmit, receive, line status and data set interrupts
False start bit detection
16 bit programmable baud generator
Independent receiver clock input
MODEM control functions (CTS, RTS, DSR, DTR, RI, DCD)
Programmable Hardware Flow Control through RTS and CTS
Programmable Flow Control using DTR and DSR
Programmable in-band Flow Control using XON/XOFF
Programmable special characters detection
Trigger levels for TX and RX FIFO
Interrupts and automatic in-band and out-off-band flow control
Fully programmable serial-interface characteristics:
5-, 6-, 7-, 8- or 9-bit characters
Even, odd, or no-parity bit generation and detection
1-, 1.5-, or 2-stop bit generation
Internal baud generator
Detection of bad data in receiver FIFO
Clock prescaler from 1 to 31,875
Enhanced isochronous clock option
9- bit data mode
Software reset
Complete status reporting capabilities
Line break generation and detection. Internal diagnostic capabilities:
Loop-back controls for communications link fault isolation
Break, parity, overrun, framing error simulation
Full prioritized interrupt system controls
Available system interface wrappers:
Altera Avalon Bus
Xilinx OPB Bus
Fully synthesizable
Static synchronous design and no internal tri-states
Source code:
VHDL Source Code or/and
VERILOG Source Code or/and
FPGA Netlist
VHDL /VERILOG test bench environment
Active-HDL automatic simulation macros
NCSim automatic simulation macros
ModelSim automatic simulation macros
Tests with reference responses
Technical documentation
Installation notes
HDL core specification
Synthesis scripts
Example application
Technical support
IP Core implementation support
3 months maintenance
Delivery of the IP Core and documentation updates, minor and major versions changes
Phone & email support
Serial Data communications applications
Modem interface
Embedded microprocessor boards