The Octal UART Core software for the D2698 is compatible with the SC2698. The three character receiver FIFO, increased baud rate, and configurable receiver and transmitter interrupts are all parts of the core. Two full-duplex asynchronous receiver/transmitter channels are offered by the D2698 Octal Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (DUART), a communications tool. It offers a modem interface and directly connects to microprocessors. It may be utilized in polled or interrupt-driven systems. Each channel can have its own separate programming for its operating mode and data type. Also available are 26 fixed baud rates, a 16X clock generated by a programmable counter/timer, and an external 1X or 16X clock. Each receiver and transmitter can choose one of these options for their working speed. Using an external power source, the baud rate generator and counter/timer.

Software compatible with SCC2698 UART
Configuration capability
8 full-duplex independent asynchronous receiver/transmitters
3 character FIFOs for each receiver channel
Programmable data format:
5 to 8 data bits plus parity
Odd, even, no parity or force parity
1, 1.5 or 2 stop bits programmable in 1/16-bit increments
16-bit programmable Counter/Timer
Programmable baud rate for each receiver and transmitter selectable from:
26 fixed rates: 50 to 115.2k baud
Programmable user-defined rates derived from a programmable counter/timer
External 1X or 16X clock
Parity, framing, and overrun error detection
False start bit detection
Line break detection and generation
Programmable channel mode:
Normal (full-duplex)
Automatic echo
Local loopback
Remote loopback
2 Multi-function input and 2 I/O ports:
Can serve as clock, modem, or control inputs
Change of state detection on four inputs
Multi-function output port:
Individual bit set/reset capability
Outputs can be programmed to be status/interrupt signals
FIFO states for DMA and modem interface
Versatile interrupt system:
Single interrupt output with eight maskable interrupting conditions
Output port can be configured to provide a total of up to six separate wire-ORable interrupt outputs
Each FIFO can be programmed for four different interrupt levels
Watchdog timer for each receiver
Maximum data transfer rates: 1X – 1Mb/sec, 16X – 1Mb/sec
Start-end break interrupt/status
Detects break which originates in the middle of a character
Power down mode
Receiver timeout mode
Source code:
VHDL Source Code or/and
VERILOG Source Code or/and
FPGA Netlist
VHDL /VERILOG test bench environment
Active-HDL automatic simulation macros
NCSim automatic simulation macros
ModelSim automatic simulation macros
Tests with reference responses
Technical documentation
Installation notes
HDL core specification
Synthesis scripts
Example application
Technical support
IP Core implementation support
3 months maintenance
Delivery of the IP Core and documentation updates, minor and major versions changes
Phone & email support
Serial Data communications applications
Modem interface
Embedded microprocessor boards