eCPRI Controller interface provides full support for the two-wire eCPRI Controller synchronous serial interface, compatible with eCPRI specification v2.1. Through its eCPRI Controller compatibility, it provides a simple interface to a wide range of lowcost devices. eCPRI Controller IP is proven in FPGA environment.The host interface of the eCPRI Controller can be simple interface or can be AMBA APB, AMBA AHB, AMBA AXI, VCI, OCP, Avalon, PLB, Tilelink, Wishbone or Custom protocol. eCPRI Controller IP is supported natively in Verilog and VHDL.

Compliant with eCPRI Specification v2.1
Supports complete eCPRI Tx/Rx Functioanlity
Supports various Ethernet Speeds - 10G/25G/40G/100G
Supports rich configuration to handle multi mode wireless systems
Supports Control and Management data transfer.
Supports data transfer through Ethernet/UDP/IP Interfaces.
Supports delay management.
Supports programmable packet queue to hold frames when eCPRI frame is in progress
Supports 8B/10B line coding
Supports following message types
IQ Data
IWF Start Up
IWF Operation
Generic Data Transfer
Fully synthesizable
Static synchronous design
Positive edge clocking and no internal tri-states
Scan test ready
Simple interface allows easy connection to microprocessor/microcontroller devices
Companies designing in a single site can opt for a Single Site license option.
For companies operating across multiple sites, there's a Multi Sites license option available.
A Single Design license enables IP Core implementation in one FPGA bitstream or ASIC.
With an Unlimited Designs license, IP Core implementation is permitted across an unlimited number of FPGA bitstreams and ASIC designs.
The eCPRI Controller interface is available in Source and netlist products.
The Source product is delivered in plain text verilog or VHDL or SystemC source code
Integration testbench and tests
Scripts for simulation and synthesis with support for common EDA tools
Documentation contains User's Guide and Release notes