The SPI is a fully programmable SINGLE, DUAL, or QUAD SPI master/slave device that enables users to modify the polarity and phase of the serial clock signal SCK. The Hyper BusTM specification, xSPI (Expanded Serial Peripheral Interface - JESD251A) specification, and XccelaTM Bus Interface are all completely compatible with the SPI controller. The SPI Controller makes it simple to communicate with the majority of SPI FLASH memory on the market. Information shifting and sampling on serial data lines are synchronized via a serial clock line (SCK). It is a design that can be used in a range of process technologies since it is technology neutral. The SPI system is flexible enough to interact with a wide variety of peripherals from various vendors directly. The option of two essentially distinct clock polarities and two fundamentally different.

Set of software accessible control registers to execute any Flash memory command
Supports any device clock frequency, polarity and phase,
Programmable baud rate generator,
Built in FLASH Commands decoder supports most popular FLASH devices,
Optional built in AES Encoder/Decoder
DMA support
Support for various SPI Bus Standards: Hyper BusTM, xSPI, XccelaTM
Compliant with AMBA2 Specification, supports APB, AHB, AXI bus interfaces
Single, Dual, Quad SPI transfer/reception
Execute in place – XIP functionality support
Data Bus Size configuration to 8, 16 or 32 bits wide
Optional FIFO size extension
Maximum supported Flash address range – 32 bits
Up to 4 SPI slaves can be addressed
Software Slave Select Output – SSO – selection
Automatic Slave Select outputs assertion
System error detection
Interrupt generation
Bit rates generated as 1/ 2.. 1/255 of system clock.
Four SPI transfer formats supported: CPOL/CPHA.
Simple interface allows easy connection to microcontrollers
Fully synthesizable, static synchronous design with no internal tri-states
Source code:
VHDL Source Code or/and
VERILOG Source Code or/and
Encrypted, or plain text EDIF
VHDL & VERILOG test bench environment
Active-HDL automatic simulation macros
Model Sim automatic simulation macros
Tests with reference responses
Technical documentation
Installation notes
HDL core specification
Synthesis scripts
Example application
Technical support
IP Core implementation support
3 months maintenance
Delivery of the IP Core and documentation updates, minor and
major versions changes
Phone & email support
Embedded microprocessor boards
Consumer and professional audio/video
Home and automotive radio
Low-power applications
Communication systems
Digital multimeters