Production Proven, Complex Semiconductor IP Cores

Semiconductor IP Cores

T2M Bluetooth BT Dual Mode v5.4 Software Stack & Profiles IP

BT Dual Mode v5.4 Software Stack & Profiles IP


This Bluetooth Dual Mode (BTDM) Software Stack is the most mature and widely used licensed SW Stack in the market for Bluetooth Audio (Dual Mode) and IOT (Low Energy) products today. The stack has been licensed by many companies including the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (BT SIG) for use in the Bluetooth Profile Tuning Suite (PTS).
Customers use this Bluetooth SW Stack in both Audio Dual Mode (DM) & Low Energy (LE) v5.4 SoCs, maintaining a common SW code base across all products, enabling common customer support, and commonality of features, through a simple compiler option.
This Bluetooth Dual Mode SW Stack implements the complete Bluetooth v5.4 LE Audio Profiles and Services including but not limited to HAP, TMAP, Generic Audio Framework (MCP, CCP), Common Audio Profile (VCP, AICS), BAP, etc. The SW is equipped with Advanced Codec Support for Audio Streaming using A2DP, LC3, SBC, mSBC & 3rd Party codecs (MP3, AAC, etc.). The Bluetooth Dual Mode Protocol Stack SW & Profiles have been optimized for TWS applications supporting different TWS implementations both the TWS relay method & TWS Sniffing method.
The Software enables customers to reduce the market risk of integrating Bluetooth into the product while accelerating the development cycle. The large base of customers is testimony to the IP’s high quality, proven reliability, functionality, and portability as per the adopted Bluetooth.


  • Bluetooth SIG Qualified, Production Proven IP

  • Proven Interoperability

  • Low MIPS and Memory Footprint for Stack & Profiles

  • Platform and Operating Systems (OS) agnostic and is designed for Easy Portability

  • Proven on all popular 32 bit and 16 bit MCUs and a variety of OS

  • Non-Blocking Architecture

  • Compile time options for Feature Configuration


  • Source Code of Transport Abstraction Layer and Operating System Abstraction Layer

  • Source Code of sample applications to illustrate the use of APIs

  • API Documents for Smart Mesh Profile and Encryption blocks

  • API Documents for the Transport Abstraction Layer