T2MIP, the global independent semiconductor IP Cores provider & Technology experts, is pleased to announce the successful ASIL B certification for its innovative
CAN and
LIN IP cores. With unwavering commitment to safety and reliability, we have now secured licenses from a remarkable 11 customers worldwide in 2023
The enhanced protocol overcomes the conventional limitations of CAN, enabling faster data transmission at speeds surpassing 1 Mbit/s. The payload, or data field, has been extended to a maximum of 64 bytes, eliminating the previous 8-byte constraint. The core features a straightforward CPU interface with a configurable data width of 8, 16, or 32 bits, supporting both small and big-endian addressing schemes. Leveraging hardware message filtering and a substantial 128-byte receive FIFO, it facilitates seamless back-to-back message reception, minimizing the CPU workload. This CAN IP core is delivered as HDL source code, facilitating its utilization in FPGA and ASIC technologies. Designed in conformity with ISO 11898-1:2015, this CAN IP core operates at frequencies ranging up to 25 MHz.

The LIN core acts as a mediator between a microprocessor/microcontroller and the LIN bus, adaptable as a master or slave LIN node based on the microprocessor/microcontroller's determined work mode. Supporting transmission speeds from 1 to 20 kb/s, it handles LIN messages conforming to LIN 1.3, LIN 2.1, and the latest 2.2 specifications. Reporting information includes transfer operation details and various LIN error conditions. Equipped with a programmable timer for detecting timeouts and synchronization errors, the core is described at the RTL level for use in FPGA and ASIC technologies. Operating at frequencies of 0 to 10 MHz, this IP core provides versatile functionality in a concise and efficient design.
T2M’s CAN and LIN solutions, achieving ASIL B certification, meet the stringent safety requirements crucial for modern automotive applications. Having licensed the CAN and LIN IP cores for automotive communication solutions from 11 customers across the globe, we highlight international recognition and demand for our company's expertise. By consistently delivering state-of-the-art CAN and LIN technologies, we continue to drive innovation in the automotive industry, empowering vehicles with advanced communication capabilities.
In addition to CAN and LIN IP Cores, T2M ‘s broad silicon Interface IP Core Portfolio includes many USB, HDMI, Display Port, MIPI (CSI, DSI, UniPro, UFS, RFFE, I3C), PCIe, DDR, 1G Ethernet, V-by-One, programmable SerDes, OnFi and many more available in major Fabs in process geometries as small as 7nm. They can also be ported to other foundries and leading-edge processes nodes on request.
Availability: These IP Cores are available for immediate licensing. For more information on licensing options and pricing please drop a request / MailTo .
About T2M: T2MIP is the global independent semiconductor technology experts, supplying complex semiconductor IP Cores, Software, KGD and disruptive technologies enabling accelerated development of your Wearables, IOT, Communications, Storage, Servers, Networking, TV, STB and Satellite SoCs. For more information, please visit:on www.t-2-m.com